Beta Upsilon Chi

University of North Carolina


UNC BYX Racial Reconciliation Resources

This is a list of educational resources on the racial climate in America, both historically and currently. As an officer corps, we encourage you to embody Micah 6:8 and seek JUSTICE, love MERCY, and walk HUMBLY with the Lord. If you need a place to start, each of these resources has been incredibly helpful and insightful to at least one officer, if not more than one.

Here is the link to the list of resources:

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Our Purpose

Beta Upsilon Chi, a National Christian Fraternity, exists for the purpose of establishing brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ.

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Our Identity

We are a lifelong brotherhood of committed Christian men seeking the bonds of brotherhood and unity in Christ through the avenue of a social fraternity on a college campus.

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© 2025 Beta Upsilon Chi, inc. | Official website of Beta Upsilon Chi - University of North Carolina